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The Hour of Power

Solar lights against energy poverty.

Learn – Act – Help:
The social impact and sustainability event for conferences and corporate events.


Together for a better future

789 million people on our planet live in extreme energy poverty…

… that’s one in 10 people!

At this unique team event, we will inform you about energy poverty in developing countries – and work together to help children with self-made solar lights.

Experience an in-depth and engaging programme designed specifically for businesses to inform and inspire teams.

We are delighted to be working with SolarBuddy Live as an exclusive partner in the DACH region to give children a better future.

Ideal as an icebreaker at conferences or as a meaningful team-building event:


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Virtuell, hybrid & vor Ort

Our approach


about extreme energy poverty and its effects


Make a difference: We build solar lights together!


A light for a child - step by step towards less energy poverty

Almost 10 % of the world’s population lives in energy poverty.

This means that they have access to little or no energy.

Without access to safe and reliable energy, children and their families are plunged into complete darkness every night – which is devastating for their education, bad for their health and wellbeing and damaging to the environment we all share.

In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we combine two approaches in this engaging, hands-on team activity: We want to give you important knowledge – but also take action together. Together, we will build solar lights that will then be distributed by NGOs to children in developing countries.

This is how your help makes a real difference.

“SolarBuddy has given our students not only the gift of light, but the opportunity to read and do homework after they have completed their daily chores. As a result, we have seen measurable increases in our students’ academic performance.”

Terri Anderson, Country Director, So They Can (NGO Partner of SolarBuddy)

About SolarBuddy

The impact SolarBuddy and its supporters have had since 2016

Lives impacted
Tonnes of CO2 emissions reduced

789 million people live in energy poverty.
What does that mean?

789 million people live in energy poverty.
What does that mean?


Energy poverty has a direct impact on children’s educational opportunities. Without electricity, it is difficult to study or do homework at night. Many schools in energy-poor regions have no electricity supply, which affects teaching and the quality of education.
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Health risks

Energy poverty has a negative impact on health. In regions without access to electricity, people often rely on traditional and unsafe energy sources such as open fires or paraffin lamps, which can lead to respiratory diseases and other health problems (indoor air pollution causes 4 million deaths a year).
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Economic impact

The lack of a reliable energy supply impairs the economic development of countries and regions. Companies and industries cannot operate efficiently, which hampers job creation and economic growth. Millions of people living on less than €1 a day spend up to 40% of their income on paraffin lamps.
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Environmental pollution

Light is often produced using paraffin, which is harmful to the environment and health. Fuel-based lighting leads to emissions of around 190 million tonnes of C0² per year.

Equal rights

Women and girls are often more affected by energy poverty than men. They are often responsible for collecting firewood and water, which takes up a lot of time and restricts educational and employment opportunities.
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Our Teambuilding Event

With moderation on site

Our experienced moderation team will look after you on site. We impart relevant knowledge on the topic of energy poverty and help with the construction of the solar lights.

Our Solar Lights

At this event, each participant builds a functional solar light. Teamwork also plays an important role, as this is done together.

Social component

Once the light is finished, each participant writes a letter, which is delivered together with the solar light to one child in each developing country.

This is what happens with the solar lights that are created at our events:

This is what happens with the solar lights that are created at our events:

We carry out this event with our partnership with SolarBuddy.

Simon Doble founded SolarBuddy with this in mind: “Impact is about giving people a leg up, not a handout. It’s about empowering them to be the best versions of themselves.

We are thrilled by his vision and the team’s enthusiasm for this good cause.The solar lights we are building at our team event were developed by SolarBuddy as innovative, sustainable solutions that brighten the lives of children around the world.


Get to know Simon and his vision!


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Book your event now


Version A:
Two people build one solar light

Base price up to 15 persons: 2.000 €

per additional person:

Version B:
Each person builds a solar light

Base price up to 15 persons: 2.300 €

per additional person:


Our prices are net.


⦾ Moderator(s) on site (no additional travelling costs)
⦾ Material for building the solar lights
⦾ Imparting relevant knowledge about energy poverty
⦾ Shipping, quality control, distribution and maintenance of the solar lights built in developing countries

xpert price transparency:

We don’t want to show you vague “starting prices”. With us, you can see the price that will be included in your offer right here on our website. There are no additional costs (e.g. organisation fees). We offer our events everywhere in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the same price.

This event is certified climate neutral.

Are you interested in the activity
or would like a personal consultation?

Write to us and we will get back to you you within 24 hours:

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